Understanding Dental Anxiety and Fear – Causes and Effects.

Dental anxiety and fear are some of the most common things that everyone is conscious of. If you are residing in San Diego, you must comprehend that poor oral hygiene can limit your smile and make you antisocial. However, there are so many individuals with dental anxiety and fear. Thus, you must make sure that you have complete knowledge about dental anxieties since they can lead to many mental health problems. Therefore, you must make sure to seek proficient assistance from your dentist in Pacific Beach, San Diego, and comprehend dental anxiety and fear.

What are the causes of dental anxiety:

  • Past traumatic experience.

Many individuals nowadays are afraid of going for dental checkups. You must make sure that you have that fear or anxiety due to some past traumatic issues when you were young, or you may have heard it from someone.

  • Fear of pain.

In the old times, there were no anesthetics to numb your infected areas, and the procedures were done without anesthetics. Therefore, you should not forget the effect of pain after a dental procedure. However, the technologies have developed, and there are many anesthetics that can easily numb any of the veins and parts of your mouth.

  • Loss of control.

When it comes to fear of dental procedures, you must understand that sometimes you will not be able to express that fear of dental checkups you have in your mind, and suppressing that feeling will lead to anxiety. Thus, many people are not able to get out of this feeling and end up being dental anxious.

  • Embarrassment 

Sometimes, you will not be afraid of the pain or the dental procedures, but you will be afraid of the embarrassment of going to a dentist with a concerned appearance. Simply put, it is a fear of embarrassment to get judged by the dentist or the volunteers working there. 

Effects of dental fear and anxiety:

  • Avoiding dental checkups.

Due to severe fear of dental anxiety, you will make sure that you will be ready to bear the pain you are feeling, but you will not go for a dental checkup. This can lead to further complications.

  • Delayed treatment.

If you do not go for dental checkups, you will not get treated. More to it, you will not be able to know what problem you are going through.

  • Impact on your health.

Not maintaining a proper dental checkup routine will lead to complicated dental issues like toothache, sensitivity, decay, plaque, and even tooth loss. Therefore, make sure you visit your dentist.

For many reasons, you can understand that anxiety and fear of dental checkups can be very effective, but you will only bear more pain; thus, make sure that you seek dental assistance from your dentist immediately.