Many meals and beverages cause stains and discoloration on people’s teeth. Some of the worst offenders include spaghetti sauce, coffee, sodas, and red wine. While most of these things would not create permanent stains on teeth after a single meal, repeated ingestion can eventually leave some ugly stains.
These stains can be particularly bothersome for Californians who enjoy robust Cabernet Sauvignons and dark roast coffees. These stains will be difficult to eliminate using at-home teeth whitening treatments. A Monterey, CA dentist can help you with this, so speak to one today.
Why do your teeth stain?
While the enamel on your teeth is the strongest component in the human body, it has microscopic holes. When you consume coffee, the tannins enter into the pores, producing severe stains. Coffee’s acidity can erode the enamel over time, resulting in additional stains. Other liquids with tooth-staining tannins include black tea and red wine.
It is not all terrible news, however. Coffee is less acidic than some other beverages, such as soft drinks and fruit juices, so it is not the worst option for a morning wake-up. It is also high in antioxidants, which offer several health advantages, including the prevention of gum disease and the maintenance of healthy teeth.
Preventing stains on your teeth –
Here are some strategies to lessen the staining effects of foods and beverages.
- Add milk whenever you can.
Although milk is unlikely to be added to red wine, it can help mitigate the staining effects of some drinks, such as coffee and tea, which tint teeth brown or yellow. Milk lightens the coloring pigment in the drink and includes proteins that attach to the coffee’s polyphenols, which stain teeth. Instead of adhering to and coloring the teeth, the polyphenols just travel to the stomach. In general, the larger the fat content of the milk, the more it protects against coffee or tea stains.
- Drink from a straw.
People are less prone to stains and discoloration if beverages make minimal contact with their teeth. When sipping from a cup, the liquid runs over your teeth before you swallow. Using a straw to sip coffee, tea, or soda considerably reduces the staining impact. Drinking coffee or wine via a straw may seem weird, but it does help keep teeth stain-free.
- Drink beverages that are low in caffeine.
Some people may find it more difficult to do this because caffeine is one of the reasons they consume products like coffee in the first place. However, the more caffeine a beverage contains, the more intense its staining properties are. For example, decaffeinated coffee has fewer polyphenols than ordinary coffee. Keep this in mind while purchasing your favorite beverage.
If you are enthusiastic about your afternoon caffeine boost as well as the health of your teeth, contact your dentist now to make an appointment!