The Rules Of Swinging In An On-Premise Swinger Party

Confirm your attendance. A lot of on premise swinger party won’t let you in otherwise. If it’s in someone’s home, it’s common courtesy to let them know if you’re coming. There’s a balance of guests that the organizers need to think about as well.

Ask what you need to bring. If it’s a party in someone’s house, bring a bottle. Or some nibbles. (Yes really – it’s essentially a party. People get hungry.)

Ask about the dress code. Your clothes might end up on the floor but you’re going to feel uncomfortable wearing jeans if everyone else is in head-to-toe designer. Or wearing nothing but expensive lingerie and heels.

Read the rules. If you’re going to an event, a club or a well-organizedon premise swinger party, you will be sent or told the rules. Read them. Stick to them. If it’s private and small, talk about what you will and won’t do before you do anything.

Don’t bring lots of valuables. I’m not suggesting all swinger’s clubs are seedy but just as you wouldn’t leave your handbag with a wallet crammed with cash unattended in a posh nightclub, don’t do it here.

Arrive fresh. Newly showered, teeth cleaned, nice-smelling clothes. Not only is it considerate to other guests, who’s going to want to have sex with you if you don’t smell good?

Wear great lingerie. Your big old grey pants aren’t going to cut it. It’ll give you confidence as well to have flattering, gorgeous lingerie on. It would be great if swingers should wear great lingerie, turn up on time and, if it’s an on premise swinger party at someone’s house.

Use protection. In most swinging clubs, if you don’t use a condom, you can’t participate. Do you really want to be in a club that allows unsafe sex?

Don’t arrive drunk. Not only is it unattractive, you need good judgement if it’s your first time and to be able to read the body language of your partner. Set a limit with your partner on how much each of you will drink.

Turn up on time. Not only is it polite, swinger’s parties move into different moods as the night progresses. It’s all part of the warm-up to meet people with their clothes on.