Professional Fluoride Treatments: Procedure, Benefits, Side Effects, and more!

Treatments like professional fluoride have been used for many years to keep teeth healthy.  It is a natural mineral that helps you keep your teeth stronger and protect the outer layer of the teeth, called enamel. It also fights bacteria that can possibly damage your teeth and gums.

Plaque is the main reason behind the wearing down of enamel and the forming of cavities, which produce a sticky layer and acid on your teeth. When the enamel is weakened, bacteria enter a tooth and can cause infection or damage to the nerves inside your tooth.

Some skilled and compassionate dentists in Leduc, AB, also perform professional fluoride treatments. To avoid common dental issues like cavities, you can fix them with the help of some treatments, like dental crowns in Leduc, AB.

How is a Professional Fluoride Treatment performed?

When getting started with the fluoride treatment, the dentist applies a concentrated fluoride solution, which is stronger than toothpaste’s ingredients. The fluoride can be applied as a gel, foam, rinse, or varnish with the help of a swab, brush, mouthwash, or even a tray. 

The entire process of fluoride treatment only takes a few minutes. After the treatment is done, it is prescribed to avoid eating or drinking for the next 30 minutes to allow the fluoride to absorb in your teeth.

As per the American Dental Association, a professional fluoride treatment is recommended every three, six, or twelve months, depending on your oral health. If you’re someone with a lot of cavities due to the usage of alcohol or drugs, have poor hygiene, or have weak enamel, you will also be prescribed an additional fluoride rinse liquid or gel to use at home.

What are the benefits of a Fluoride Treatment?

There are multiple benefits of a professional fluoride treatment for teeth. Here are some of the significant benefits that everyone should know:

  • Fluoride helps rebuild weakened enamel and prevents bad bacteria from damaging your teeth. 
  • Instead of removing tooth decay, fluoride strengthens the outer layer of teeth to stop the decay from getting worse.
  • Fluoride is one of the best solutions for preventing cavities from happening in both kids and adults. 
  • It allows your body to use minerals like calcium that repair the enamel on your teeth.
  • Fluoride can enter into the structure of your teeth, strengthen them, and make them less vulnerable than before to save them from harm.
  • If you take fluoride supplements and fluoride treatments together, it can slow the growth of cavities, save money from other procedures, and give life to kids’ baby teeth.
  • When fluoride prevents cavities, it automatically prevents many gum diseases and reduces toothache.

What are the side effects of Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride is not as harmful as people think it is when taken in high amounts. Plus, it is not even harmful to kids as the treatment is also recommended for kids if they are facing issues like cavities. However, there are a few side effects that can occur in some cases, which are addressed below:

1. Discoloration of tooth

The most common side effect of fluoride is tooth discoloration. It happens when a child consumes too much fluoride when their teeth are growing in the gums. This condition is also called fluorosis. It can cause white spots to appear on your kids’ teeth, especially if they are under the age of 8 years old.

2. Irritation (Allergies)

Getting allergies because of fluoride treatment is a very rare condition and a barely occurring side effect. It usually occurs when someone is allergic to fluoride supplements or has skin irritation when they use fluoride.

3. Toxic side effects

Fluoride can turn out to be toxic if you use it in a very high amount or apply it incorrectly. However, such side effects barely occur, so if you follow the procedure given on the supplement properly, the side effects can be avoided.

Wrapping Up!

Fluoride is a mineral that prevents cavities and protects your teeth by strengthening the enamel on your teeth. Therefore, getting in touch with a skilled dentist can be helpful.